The crew consisted of the following: George Blair (P), John Fisher (CP), Leroy Borden (N), Dan Evans (B) (KIA), Sgt. Norman Ronneberg (F/E), Sgt. George Young (R/O), Sgt. Ted Kopanske (WG), Sgt. Harry McMahon (BG), Sgt. Bob Voelker (TG), Sgt. Roy Case (NG). (Photo from Leroy Borden) *It has not been possible to correlate the names with the with the men shown in the photo.
- BLAIR, Geo. Bill, Pilot
- FISHER, John, Co-Pilot
- BORDEN, Leroy Rogers, Navigator
- EVANS, Dan, Bombardier – KIA
- RONNEBERG, Norman, Ft/Eng
- YOUNG, Geroge W, Radio/OP
- VOELKER, Robert J, Tail Gunner
- CASE, Roy, Nose Gunner
- McMAHON, Harry J, Ball Gunner
- KOPANSKE, Ted, Waist Gunner