Front Row (L to R): Carl Browning (P); Harold R. Madsen (CP); Harold P. Ouisno (N); Nicholas D. Lannin (B). Standing (L to R): Sherman Barnhill (BG); Irwin Weiss (WG); John McKeague (TG); Charles Voogd (WG); Loyd D. Lewis (TTG); Elmer G. Howell (NG)
- BROWNING, Carl R., Pilot – POW 22 Feb 44 Browning
- MADSEN, Harold R., Co-Pilot – POW 22 Feb 44 Browning
- QUISNO, Harold P., Navigator – KIA 22 Feb 44 Browningv
- LANNIN, Nicholas D., Bombardier – KIA 22 Feb 44 Browning
- LEWIS, Loyd D., Flight/Eng. – POW 22 Feb 44 Browning
- HOWELL, Elmer G., Radio/Op – KIA 22 Feb 44 Browning
- BARNHILL, Sherman, Ball turret – POW 22 Feb 44 Browning
- McKEAGUE, John E., Tail Gunner – POW 22 Feb 44 Browning
- VOOGD, Charles L., Waist Gunner – POW 22 Feb 44 Browning
- WEISS, Irwin, Rt Waist – POW 22 Feb 44 Browning
716th Squadron
John A. Silverstein (changed his name after the war to John (Jack) Steele) was C.O. from June ‘43 to July ’44. He was followed by Charles E. Harton from July ‘44 to November ’44. Harton had served as the acting C.O. for the 719th squadron while Swan was in the hospital recovering from wounds during May ‘44 to July ‘44. Lloyd M. Bentsen (who became a U.S. Senator from Texas, U. S. Treasurer after the war, and U.S. Vice Presidential Candidate) was the C.O. from November ‘44 until February ’45. Robert Johnson took over from mid-‘45 to V.E. Day in May ’45.
Stinky The B.T.O.
(Big Time Operator) An original cadre ship acquired 9 November ’43 and assigned to Oien’s crew who flew her overseas in December ’43. The “B. T. O.” with Browning’s crew aboard blew up when hit by flak bursts and FW-190 and ME-109 aircraft as she was returning from the 22 February ’44 mission to Regensburg, Germany. 3 KIA 7 POW. MACR 2636.
Ghost O’ The Omar
An original cadre ship acquired 31 October ’42, named by Browning’s crew and flown overseas by that crew in December ’43. Named for the cocktail lounge in the Continental Hotel, Kansas City, Mo., that was the “hangout” of many crew members and their wives and sweethearts prior to the overseas assignment. Crew chief was Arthur Friedman. “Ghost” was downed on the PortoMarghera mission of 9 June ’44 with Collins’ crew aboard. 1 EVD, 10 POW. MACR 6314.