Standing (L to R): Shelby McArthur (P); William Holland (CP); Jerre F. Logan (N); Frederick C. Ostrom (B). Kneeling (L to R): Albert Bosch; Preston Farrish; I. M. Spence; Joseph Druther; John J. Morris.
- McARTHUR, Shelby, Pilot
- HOLLAND, William T, Co-Pilot
- LOGAN, Jerre F., Navigator
- OSTROM, Frederick C., Bombardier
- BOSCH, Albert T., Radio/Op. – KIA 4 April 1944 Garrison
- FARISH, Preston, Tail Gunner
- SPENCE, Isaac M., Ft/Eng
- DRUTHER, Joseph, Waist
- MORRIS, John J., Waist – POW 4 April 1944 Garrison
- FOX, Harold, Ball Gunner – POW 29 May 44, Fergus
719th Squadron
David Councill was the original C.O. from July ‘43 to 8 December ’43 when he and his crew were lost during the movement overseas. Most of the 719th officer and NCO staff were among the 14 men lost aboard Councill’s aircraft. This placed the 719th in dire straits in January ’44. Arthur B. Swan took over as C.O. and began sorting things out in January ’44. He served as the C. O. until he received a serious combat wound on 23 April ‘44. Charles E. Harton from the 717th Squadron was selected to be the acting commander until Art Swan could reassume the position. When Swan was promoted to higher echelon, Harton continued as the acting C.O. until July ‘44. Harold R. Loughran, a lead crew pilot from the 717th became the 719th C.O. in July ‘44 and remained through September ’44. In September ‘44, William Allen became the C.O. and remained so until May ‘45.