3 B-24’s took off at 0700, 0718, 0728 hours to bomb Linz Industrial area. 2 returned early, of which 1 jettisoned 2 tons of bombs at 4210N-1550E and the other jettisoned .5 tons of long delay fused bombs at 4526N-1250E and returned to base 1.5 tons. 1 dropped 2 tons of 500 lb RDX bombs with .1 nose and .01 tail fusing and 2 bombs with long delay from 6 to maximum hours fusing and 1 progaganda bomb on briefed target at 1110 hours from 24,500 feet. The a/c returned to base at 1205, 1212, and 1430 hours respectively.

1 effective and 2 non-effective sorties were credited.


Route was from San Vito to K.P. 4532N-1243E to Neukirchen (4716N-1217E) to Reischach (4818N-1243E) to IP Scharding (4827N-1327E) to target on an axis of 106 degrees true, rallying scharp left around Linz to Saxen (4813N-1447E) to Paternion (4643N-1338E) to Zolla (4553N-1400E) to Sansego (4430N-1418E) to Base.

Scattered low and scattered high clouds over southern portion of route gradually increasing toward the north to broken low clouds and scattered hing clouds over the Po valley, and overcast low clouds and scattered high clouds over the Alps with visibility thruout over 30 miles. Overcast (10/10) low clouds up to 13,000 feet with less than 1/10 high cloud at flight level at target. Wind at altitude from 270 degrees at 30 mph with a temperature of minus 36 degrees C. Visibility 20 miles. Only scattered middle level clouds over base on return, with no difficulty experienced in let-own and landing.

No fighter escort was provided but 23 -51’s were seen at 0948 hours at 24,500 feet at 4508N-1310E.


All bombing was done by PFF and no results wer observed


A. Fighters: None

B. Flak. S-A-H at primary — no other.

[Losses: None. Damage: From flak, 1 slightly). Casualties: None.]

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